Attention (Unwanted? Wanted?)

Lately I’ve noticed an influx of attention. I don’t think others have changed, I think it’s me. And it’s not that all of a sudden I’m looking for attention. I think my being, my body, my attitude has changed. I’ve become a much more casual person. I used to be very uptight and serious, and recently I realized that sometimes I need to let my guard down, and others have noticed. I’ve gotten a lot of attention at work. It’s not really wanted, and it may get me in trouble soon, but it’s interesting. I’ve gotten a little tanner, a little more carefree and guys in particular have become a little more interested. I’ve been toying with them here and there, but nothing serious. 


Moving to a new area, a college campus, has really given me a new perspective. At work, I’m a little more confident, here, I’m a little more shy and timid. I don’t know how to meet people. Funny how the transfer of energy works. 


I spent this entire semester focusing on myself. I regarded myself as the highest place to put forth my efforts. And it worked. I did exceptionally well in my courses, took on a job that I love(most of the time), and learned a lot about my attitude towards others, my judgment, and even my hopes and desires. I ignored guys to focus on myself, but I may have jeopardized my ability to read them, understand them, and respond to them. I feel like guys only use me and I don’t want to be that girl. I spent the entire semester alone until the last week when I hooked up with a good friend. I presumed that because a guy did not want a relationship, guys were not interested in me for more than just sex. This makes me feel used, cheap, and worthless. However, I know am worth so much more than that. I never settle. But settling for just sex doesn’t seem too awful if I’m not even being offered a real chance at anything. My trust and faith in men has slowly dwindled and I’m not sure I’m come from that for a while. I’m just looking for a guy to sweep me off my feet, and I’m not too sure that exists here in DC. 


No one should feel bad about themselves for something like this. I will continue being level headed and strong. I may alone as level headed and strong, but that’s okay. The attention I’m receiving seems odd. It’s almost a facade, but I’ll take it. After 6 months of internal focusing and building myself up, I need someone else to appreciate me, even if it is for a superficial minute.


You learn so many things when you reflect. 

Feelings and Music(Again..)

Okay, I’m done being the girl that doesn’t go on a date. Ever. I keep listening to Latch by Disclosure ft. Sam Smith and it’s bringing out every emotion in me. Every last one. I keep crying, I get turned on, and every other place in between. I’m 20, and I want some young love. I want passionate, strong, ruthless love. And more, I want it now. I don’t want the heart break at 45. Yeah, I’ll be able to deal with it a little bit better, but I feel like an adult in many other aspects and I want something to look back learn from. I just want something passionate. Any takers? Haha no, but I wouldn’t mind a little adventure in my life. 


Maybe this summer will bring some adventure. 

Flow is Off

It’s only a month into 2014 and I’m already feeling sappy and depressed. It seems the new year has brought good fortune to all, but I’m in a stagnant hole, hanging on to each day, hating everyone in sight.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I’m alive, healthy , and beautiful.
What more do I need?


I keep forgetting that I have everything I need. I need a reminder to stop taking everything for granted. I don’t know how I fell here, but I certainly want to get out. It could be my lack of sleep, my lack or productivity, or even the weather. Whatever it is, yoga is not a fix, neither is a wheatgrass shot, or even making a cake.

I’m well aware that valentines day is around the corner, and my life is lacking in that department. If yours is too, just remember that it is perfectly acceptable. It’s an overwhelming holiday like Christmas. There is pressure from every retail chain, big and small alike, to smother you in chocolate and roses, but you know what? I’ve never even liked roses. And for that, I take valentines day as a day to love myself and everyone around me. Maybe this holiday is a welcome respite from my daily drudging around.

All in all, I’m wonderful and so are you. So it may only be a month into 2014, but spring is around the corner and my life isn’t so bad.
Cheers! xx

Watching, Waiting, Repeat

Our lives are full of waiting. When it comes to a potential relationship of any kind, there is always a waiting period of figuring out what we want and how to tell the other person. There is so much to be worried over. Will we hurt the other person? Will we break our hearts in the process? Learning about someone new has challenges and discretions to acknowledge.

I’ve learned over the years that you can’t force things to go your way. Manipulating someone isn’t the way to a guy’s heart. Neither is waiting for something to happen, staring at your phone, waiting for a text to confirm your emotions. There could always be the issue that we move on too quickly and forget to indulge ourselves in the richness of love and relationship. But where is the line?

Watching others fall in love is beautiful. The glow on each others’ faces, the hand holding, the present exchanging, the long gazes. Even if you’re not in on it, it’s inspiring to watch and warms our hearts. It gives us hope that one day we will be in on it.

I’m not a fan of how we waste our lives trying to have something we can’t force. Though watching others is endearing, it’s hard not to get tripped up on “why am I not her?”.

In the end, I guess you have to believe in serendipity.
